1. HAHHAAH YES! coppout surprizezz

    sorry busy
    but wanted to xtend some holiday cheer :)

    enjoy xmas holidays while I crunch away with work and non sleep

    for those that don't know why it's a coppout I'll come clean with a link for y'all here===> click me

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  2. grendel

    Bird Demon

    Montauk Monster


    It's difficult to go from 0-60 right off the bat and expect to be producing your best during that time. The solution is found in warming up first.
    I started up a new habit of warming up for an hour before diving into my freelance work. I agree with Bobby Chiu and consider warming up before working on a project as important to artists as it is to athletes. The emphasis in warming up before a sport or any physical activity is very high, even critical to most. Doing so will get the blood flowing to all the proper places reducing stiffness and preventing injury. Easily comparable to artistic challenges, we creative types need to get the blood flowing through the brain to fire up all the creative centers found within. This will hopefully prevent both stiff lifeless drawings and injury to the ego caused by drawing crap on the page.

    Instead of just drawing the usual anatomy studies or spheres
    & other mind numbing subject matter I decided to make warmups fun & challenging. I chose to a topic I love: monsters! Drawing monsters just plain makes me happy. Unfortunately I have very little spare time these days with my current project coming to midway point and in crunchtime from day 1...so I cannot justify devoting a few days to painting up a gnarley creature or a giant ogre with detailed armour and weapons just for the fun of it. Thus the idea of 1 hour monster was born.

    The exercise is simple. I take 1 hour to draw a monster, broken up into 4 sections.

    I begin with a timer set to 15 minutes, during which I sketch as many thumbnails as possible. This stage is all about quickness & variety. Meant to open the mind up to any possiblities that may land on the page. The sketches are kept very non-descript intentionally to allow room for creativity during the next stage. The imagination usually fires up during the 7 minute mark as I tend to see more and more possibilities form out of each new sketch-some look like heads-others full bodies-some get a little more specific in which case I pull back a bit in the following sketch. This is a fun stage and 15 minutes can fly by in no time!

    The second stage is set for 30 minutes. During this phase of the game I select one thumbnail and begin fleshing it out with some grey tones. Pulling and pushing with lights and darks revealing the beastly creature hiding in the dark silhouette. Things slow down here as I try to allow my mind zone in and focus on what it wants to create. As I dig further and further the forms become more obvious and I'm just filling in the details that my mind's eye sees.

    When the timer buzzes I set it again for 14 minutes leaving a minute for the small details and a chance for me to adjust the contrast etc. During the 14 minutes I usually dig into the face and hands, as those are some of the most important features of a character. I heard a saying that went something like "get the hands and face right and the rest will be forgiven". I obviously agree and so I make sure these 2 areas have the love they need - especially the eyes! windows to the soul as they say.
    So there you have it-my long winded explanation of the 1 hour monster. I've posted 3 here along with one thumbnail page. I will be doing more of these and will post again soon, but right now I've gotta get back to work!

    feel free to take the thumbnail page and try the exercise yourself-better yet start with your own thumbs! If you use mine I humbly ask for credit and a link pointing back here :) also lemme know if you do so I can check it out!

    until next time
    *EDIT UPDATE! the Montauk monster shown in this post has been featured by the "Dark Minds" horror feature on Deviant art! so cool X)

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  3. Hey guys'n'gals
    Since I have no time right now to do some fresh new work for the blog, I thought I would share a blast from the past or two. The first page is a compilation of some artwork that was used as self promotion through Udon comics. This was part of a bundle package(I'm sure I'll be uploading the rest of it eventually) it resulted in getting some freelance gigs like the Thundercats:Enemy's Pride mini series and even two issues of Darkstalkers! I love Capcom so you can imagine how excited and honoured I was to land such a gig! I posted a page of it above for your viewing pleasure...or displeasure hahaha. I did the character pencils and inks and my good buddy Scott Hepburn did the backgrounds. Thanks Scott!
    hope you like

    until next time!

    Spiderman, Wolverine copyright Marvel Ent.
    Blanka, Cammy & Streetfighter copyright Capcom
    Darkstalkers & related characters copyright Capcom

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  4. Ok so I had a small window of opportunity to work on my blog inbetween some major projects(to be announced soon!) I've changed the layout and the colours slightly. Switching the posts to the right of the blog as opposed to the left. The colours have moved from dark blue to a softer dark grey. I felt that the blue was a bit harsh to look at when I was tired-which is all the time these days due to the long hours I've been working lately.

    I plan to develop content for this blog full time with more in-depth tutorials and WIP videos soon, but for now it's gotta stay part time X) To make this a reality I've installed quickads and a donate button. Some people used to be very against the idea of putting ads on a blog, but I've noticed that it's now becoming more and more accepted. I personally don't mind seeing them as long as they aren't those really annoying pop up ones that scroll with the page or flash violently at the viewer.

    I saw a great way to look at it over on Steve Pavlina's site. If putting ads on my blog will enable me to expand value to my viewers it's win/win. This will make it possible to set aside more and more time to create exclusive artwork for this blog with the above mentioned tutorials and video-captures and my viewers get to enjoy more in-depth and engaging content. I encourage your feedback to the matter so drop me a line in this blogs comments.

    I have received several requests to setup a store on my blog as well-selling prints etc...If anyone knows how to do this with blogger feel free to share that info as well!

    so here's a snapshot of the site BEFORE

    and here's a snapshot of the AFTER

    To cast your vote please use the Poll set up at the top left of the blog. You can cast multiple votes, for example...vote for NEW and I'm hungry etc...please don't vote for NEW and OLD-I have provided a Neutral vote the that hahaha. Also drop a comment with suggestions for colours layouts or ad placement as well in this posts comment section. Note:after voting u can see the tally by clicking 'see results'-u may have to scroll to the right to see them.

    Thanks for you time and thanks for your continued support!!!
    until next time...

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  5. the laundry mat fears pink sock monster
    he'll eat your socks and turn pink....whats his default colour?
    who knows
    just put your underwear on your head if you see him cuz he likes it
    and won't bite your armpit if you do

    Pink sock monster is one of my more unusual character designs. If you've been watching my Deviantart site you will instantly recognize this strange furry monster. He seems to be very popular there which was highly unexpected. He even made the coveted Daily Deviation! When that happened my inbox was full of fans sharing their affection for this cuddly little demon! I'm wondering if I should draw some more of him and explore his wiley nature. His personality reminds me of the little blue guy in Lilo&Stitch before he turns all soft and friendly. If you are or know of a plush doll/toy maker, feel free to contact yours truly! hahaha
    thanks for lookin'
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  6. Here's the "raw edition as it is in my sketchbook sans alterations via photoshop or any other computer software paper to scanner to online version"...lol...I think I could have described with less word real estate-but alas this is how it came out.

    Batman copyright DC comics, Hulk, Spiderman & Hulk copyright Marvel comics

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  7. hoping everyone has a fun & safe hallowe'en this year!

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  8. Ok so I finally got around to colouring this pretty little face. Interested in how I did it? Read below X)

    To begin I took the greyscale into photoshop and adjusted the colour with HueSaturation until I found a colour that agreed with me.(click here for the sketches and black and white version with some of the process revealed) In this case it was a very dark yellow/brown colour. I also adjusted the 'levels' to tone down the blacks and whites a bit. Why do this? It will allow you to reserve the harsh lights and darks to really punch out specific places eg.wet areas like the eyes and lips etc. If you have absolute black and white spread throughout the image you will lose the effect of contrast imo-which is a great tool for leading the eye to a focal point that you want the viewers eye to land on.

    After this stage I usually add a multiply layer and start blockin in the basic colours. Purple/blue for the skin, red for the hood/jewel, some type of yellowish brown for the bandages/metals and a contrasting dark green for the bg. These are just to get things going and will usually get altered as I go along. At this point I am a little scatter brained and not really sure how the image will turn out. I have some vague idea somewhere hidden deep within my subconscious and continue to search for something that triggers my muse to get on the right track. When this finally happens I get into this excited type of 'zone' and dig deep into little details like the crevaces of the teeth and eyelids! I usually end up spending a lot of time in these areas-not sure why.

    At some point I will flatten all the layers, select all...copy...then undo the flattening, and paste the flattened layer on top of the WIP layers. I group the WIPs together into a WIP folder and hide it-focusing on the new flat layer. I will play around with 'level's and hue saturation and start painting again. I also flip the image horizontal at this point to reveal and obvious mistakes that I've grown accustomed to. After adjusting all this I tend to make another 'normal' layer and add reflective lighting-in this case the left side with a light blue and the right side with a bright green. I keep these on a separate layer because I can just let loose and over do it with no worries of ruining all my hard work. After I've completely covered the image in cheeseball reflective blue&green I go to my layers and rifle through the options-Opacity and screen are usually first. If this doesn't satisfy me on its own I will go in with the eraser and delete a lot of it.

    I flatten all of this and then add any cast shadows and punch out the wet highlights I mentioned earlier. In this case the eyes/surrounding areas and the teeth/gums/lips got the wet treatment. The metals and the jewel received some attention as well.

    The final stage came with some darkening around the edges of the image to centralize focus and some additional splashes of green in some areas just because I felt like it.

    I hope this was a little insightful to my process-I have a video capture of the beginning stage of the colouring -but it's such a huge file that I will not upload it. If anyone has tips on screen capturing on a Mac feel free to enlighten me!

    thanks for lookin'

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  9. MuMmRa fanart

    Hi everyone!
    I thought I'd share my take on an old 80s cartoon character that's been etched in my memory since viewing the first episode as an impressionable young lad...
    I like to do a few warm up sketches before getting into any work related art-and usually they're pretty crud and I scrap 'em but once in awhile I have enough inspiration (thanks LeSean!) to bust out a couple that don't end up in the trash-this is one of those rare occasions :) I was flippin' through LeSean Thomas' Midnight Marauders book (go buy now!) and ended up on my favourite couple pages featuring MummRa-the Villain from Thundercats. I guess LeSean was part of the team working on the new Tcats animation that never saw the light of day(such a shame) anyways, his MummRa designs were so full of life and energy that I just had to draw some of my own! These were done from memory after closing the book(and surfin' the net and pouring some appleton's)-so it's a mix between the old school original designs, LeSeans and some of my very own ;) I drew them using Alias Sketchbook Pro and later compiled them with photoshop. A few weeks later I revisited these and ended up rendering some grey scale as a warm up for some other work. Some more time passed and I added the paper texture and the border-touched up the grey scale and eventually called it 'done'. This broken up time frame type of approach happens often-and sometimes frustrates me-but whatever...
    After posting this on my Deviantart page and gettin' some positive feedback I decided to revisit the other MummRa sketches and complied another page shown below:

    This one includes the previous page with some minor alterations. After posting this it was obvious that the most popular sketch was the 2nd from the upper left corner(top left from the first page) and also my fav. as well-so I decided to take that one to the next level-a full grey scale painting with as much detail as possible :)
    So I pulled up my chair-fired up my Cintiq and took a sip of my freshly poured Appleton's 'n' coke and worked on that for awhile. I love to just dig in to all that creepy scaly facial detail of creatures and monsters! It's almost a meditative type state after awhile-and I get into a groove-almost tracing what I see with my mind's eye. heh...could be the booze talkin' but...anyways...this is what I came up with...
    I tried to video capture the entire grey scale painting process but the final videos ended up with some weird artifact's and other annoying glitches. If anyone could recommend a decent video capture program for Mac OSX 10.5.5 please let me know! I would love to start posting this type of video regularly on this blog along with some tutorials as well.
    For those that actually took the time to read all my ramblings I apologize if your eyes are bleeding. I promise to work on the textual content of this site as it grows-but until then, please enjoy the perdy pic churz !
    if you'd like to view the final colour version and process click here

    for more info on this character and the Thundercats please visit the wiki page!

    MummRa&Thundercats copyright of Warner Bros.

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  10. Here's my Streetfighter tribute pic for Udon's awesome book! I had the honour of being invited to be a part of a compilation of Streetfighter pinups by not only other professionals but also the winners of the fan competition!

    and a close up of Sagats mug, I had a lot of fun with his face. It originally started out as blankas face but looked too angry. Sagat suits that just fine ;)

    Streetfighter and it's characters Ryu and Sagat are copyright of Capcom

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