1. I decided to try out *kizer's "Blank Face" as a warmup before working on some Darkstalkers pages. The premise is simply to draw how you feel within the template provided (the simple line drawing shown)
    There are a number of these faces which can be found on his Deviantart site.  I've included some WIP shots for those interested in my whacky process :P


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  2. haha my jofolio!

    well I was playing around in iPhoto-and within a few minutes slapped together a sloppy virtual artbook.
    just thought I'd share it with those that are interested :P
    I'm not sure I can actually make a book with so much licensed works though--anybody know the ins and outs of that? cheeks I'm lookin' at you man! haha

    note-I just grabbed a few things to throw in this test-(so there isn't much flow through the pages yet)
    and to be honest I do not have enough work to fill up a full colour book at this moment in time...
    if I were to make a book is there anything I've done that you feel HAS to be in it?
    thnx in advance for any feedback!

    iPhoto is a really easy to use program wow!...but you are limited with options for book layouts(as far as I can tell after one session :P ) I'm not using the latest version...


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  3. Finished colours
    colours: Espen Grundetjern

    Inked page
    Inker:Crystal Reid

    Pencilled page
    Penciller: Joe Vriens X)

    Rough Layout
    layouts: Joverine =P

    The Darkstalkers team was interviewed over at CBR which features some insights to the upcoming book. For those that don't like to read there's also pictures! aka sneak peak inside the pages of Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors and even some awesome covers! pass it on!

    I have included an inside look of a single page from the book. They are in reverse order starting with Colours. I think it's all pretty self explanatory so I won't go into details about the process. If you have any questions write them in the comments and I'll be sure to answer!


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  4. Whoops!
    I'm a naughty blogger!

    I neglected to post here that I'm penciling the upcoming Darkstalkers comic with my good friend Eric Vedder. I'm sorry blog followers!! please accept my apologies! I've included some Talbain lovin' to help you get over the terrible injustice inflicted upon you by my slackatrons. X)

    Here's some deets:
    an all-new 3 issue miniseries titled Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (CAPCOM)
    Digital inks by Crystal Reid
    Colours by Espen Grundetjern
    and story by Ken Siu-Chong(original DS writer returns)
    Every issue will include a variant cover by Emily Warren
    and a 3 part connecting cover by 'the' Alvin Lee!
    and of course the book is being published by the tastiest noodles in the industry-UDON!

    joverine outs!

    Talbain and Darkstalkers ©CAPCOM

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  5. Fantasmagoria is Ramses Melendez's animated film soon to be released in short film festivals in EUA, Spain, Argentina, Mexico and Canada in 2010. There will be an a special edition dvd which will include an art book featuring some awesome artists including the amazing Kekai (have a look through his blog if you're in need of some inspiration!

    thnx for stoppin' by!

    Fantasmagoria ©Ramses Melendez

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  6. As promised here's the vampire portraits for Animal Planet's Creaturefy site! These had some texture overlays applied that weren't actually used in the final design but I thought they looked better for posting.

    I did the rough greyscale image first, colour after the greys were approved and the line version after that. This may seem backwards to most but I feel more comfortable painting form rather then drawing it. I like to cover more ground with a large brush and see some type of silhouette I guess. The tones allow me to see where to place the lines which makes this process work for me.

    I'll post the owlman bigfoot and lizard man soon!


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  7. To celebrate Halloween Animal Planet has set up some creepy web-fun on their site called Creaturefy!
    You can upload your photos and swap your parts for monster parts :)
    you have the option of saving your creaturefication and sharing on fbook etc also.
    The site design was done the amazing BakerandHill peeps while the monster heads and parts were done by yours truly.

    Send me your creaturific creations!!! or a link to them and I'll share them here on my blog!

    I've included some of the werewolf designs I did and will update more in a bit
    The top one was the final coloured one used
    2nd is the final line art version used
    3rd and 4th were some of the developmental works I did that didn't make final cut :)

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  8. was warming up with my sketchbook the other day and decided to explore one of my favourite Capcom characters. Bishamon is an undead samurai possessed by his demon armour...how kick ass is that? if that wasn't cook enough he's got a demon face as a torso!!! haha well I think it's kick ass anyways...

    for these I switched between Col erase 'light blue', 'blue', and 'carmine red'. I also sketched and shaded with a black fine point pen(just a ball point pen...brand name Zebra for those interested) Also used a brush pen for the thicker lines. The sketchbook is an old one I had laying around from my college days. (11x17 65lb paper)

    I had a tonne of fun using the limited colour palette which happened to fit nicely with Bishamon's colour scheme.

    joverine outs!
    snakt snakt!

    Bishamon & Darkstalkers ©CAPCOM

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  9. as the lengthy title explains, this was my entry for the Mike Mignola contest that was on Bobby Chiu's Chiustream!

    For those that don't know:
    Bobby has a daily show on Ustream (and his schoolism site) where he draws live and chats with anyone that's logged in. Occasionally he interviews professional artists working in the industry. A topic is selected before the interview and the viewers are instructed to illustrate and submit their work to the schoolism site. Bobby then Twitters a time frame in which everyone can vote on all the submissions. The top 3 get sent to the guest artist who then chooses the winner. The prize is an original drawing created by the guest artist which is mailed to the winner! Be sure to check in with Twitter/Facebook to find out when to submit or you'll miss the voting deadline like I did with this one!!! AAAGH!!
    sigh...ok ok..I'm back...

    Bobby gets some big names on there. The list so far is character designer Stephen Silver(Kim Possible, Danny Phantom), comic book super star Alvin Lee(Streetfighter comics,Agent X, Darkstalkers etc), character designer Peter de Seve (Mulan,Tarzan,Ice Age etc) and Justin "Coro" Kaufman of Massive Black & Conceptart.org and most recently Mike Mignola of Hellboy fame!!!
    For anyone that is interested in seeing the faces behind their artwork and to hear their thoughts I definitely recommend checkin out the Chiustream blog for more info :)

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  10. Bobby Chiu (of Imaginism studios) does a live and interactive Ustream show daily with awesome live drawing and question sessions sharing his insights and stories for everyone that will listen! I've watched almost every show(missed one I think?) I like to have it on while I'm working since it feels like I'm not alone here in my studio lol...

    Today Bobby did something a little different-he had a video interview with Stephen Silver!! for those of you that love his work or have yet to check it out visit his site here!! at the beginning of the interview Bobby asked Stephen to choose a topic for all the viewers to draw with a one hour time limit. Mr.Silver chose 'crazy cowboys' lol. Everyone was instructed to post a link on the imaginism blog for Stephen to see and choose a fav-winner gets an original Stephen Silver sketch mailed to them!! woot X) so this is my 1hour cowboy submission-wootx2 :P

    anyways you peeps should all check out the Chiustream!! he announces the times on his twitter and facebook pgs

    joverine outs X)

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