Hello fine people that bother with my blog! X)
CgHub has continued to be a source of inspiration and great community for me and I thank all involved in making this site a reality! woohoo admin! X) 2oo9 is going to be an amazing year! (anything will be better than my o8 I think) and I look forward to all the amazing new artwork that will flow through this awesome site!
I would also like to make this blog an intro to the Drawing Jam Bi-Weekly Contest to those unfamiliar.
The Drawing Jam is a contest held for 2week durations-starting on Mondays and ending on the Sunday(midnight) 2weeks later. The contest topic and prize are announced on the Monday that the Drawing Jam starts. You just post your contribution in the thread and comment on other contributions as they come in(optional)
2 weeks later you see if you've won! ...Simple!
winners and prizes are chosen by the 3 Drawing Jam Moderators aka DJM:
Bart Tiongson
Jeff Simpson
Joe Vriens (yours truly :)
For all of those that have participated thank you and keep it up! many new prizes this year so pull those socks up if you have yet to win! For those that are not familiar I'll provide some links to get you all warmed up and cosy with the DJam!
the main forum page
the past winners!
idea suggestion thread-got an idea for the drawing jam? slap it down here!
Those should get you going X) seeya in the DJ forums!
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