art by Mike Vriens!
Today's post is dedicated to my my favourite *and only* brother (of the same mother) Mike, who's art has been a constant source of inspiration and entertainment all my life.

I spent my entire childhood by his side, drawing on the floor or kitchen table on scrap paper, envelopes and eventually perforated 'computer paper' that folded up to form giant stacks of imagination fuel... our tool of choice were either run of the mill Bic pens or those simple HB pencils found in drugstores. We would create entire worlds filled usually with dinosaurs, cavemen and the occasional wooly mammoth.

We would sometimes even make interactive war scenes by drawing landscapes...aka a single line representing hills...maybe a tree or two...we would then proceed to draw our own armies on opposing sides. These of course were mostly stick men-but with our imaginations they were all unique and individual soldiers or demons. The next step was to draw the arcing missiles and dotted lined gunfire at the opposing forces all the while laughing at the 'on screen' antics. The game 'Worms' reminds me of those childhood days actually. I wonder if we still have some of those crazy old masterpieces laying around at my parents place...hmmm...
I highly recommend you take the 'click trip' over to his own corner of the world wide web if you like quirky creatures, cluttered sketchpages with comical word bubbles defacing themselves...or if you like to read about 'outside the box' drawing techniques such as scribing...something that I think a lot of artists could relate too.
here's a little window in the world of froosh...aka Mike Vriens

here's the door to that wonderful world- http://mindminersmining.blogspot.com/
ps. please leave a comment if you like what you see, and give him a polite kick in the pants to post moar already!! haha
thanks for stoppin' in!
until next time
Joverine outs
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