1. You may or may not already be aware of mega artist Sean 'Cheeks' Galloway's Kuta contest. Here's a little blurb directly from his blog :)

    "...I've asked several of my close friends, and peers to draw a Kuta card, but I kept one spot open for the winner/YOU, of this contest, to be included in the line-up of cards that comes inside the box.

    It'll be like the art cards you see in DVD boxsets for cartoons...."
    visit his blog for the specifics of the contest if you're interested in participating!

    I've done some exploratory sketches but not sure if I'll have time to finish it up. Feel free to let me know which joe-Kuta is your fav so far X)

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  2. Found this on my hd-a warmup sketch I forgot about from awhile ago. I feel I needed to post more art here to prevent blogdeathitis.

    I had the idea of making some type of samurai?mongolian?/asian? pig rider as I was sketching this thing. I'm not sure what the story is here...any ideas? :P

    ps...This is my 50th post!!! woot galorz
    joverine outs

    Balto and characters © Joe Vriens

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  3. sorry for the lack of art updates
    but here's something that's worth checking out also!!
    the creatures's animation is so convincing-award worthy imo
    I will buy a PS3 for this game alone!


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  4. If you guys 'n' gals have yet to discover the joys of the Abominable Charles Christoper weekly webcomics I envy you-only because you get to enjoy 100 strips all in one sitting!!! I had to wait weekly to get my fix...ooooh sooo lucky.

    Here's a tasty sample of the awesome sauce you will enjoy X)

    and side stories featuring some amazing forest animal personalities that lighten up the mood if things get too heavy.

    Now stop reading this and click on over with this link and thank me later X)

    joverine outs!

    Abominable Charles Christoper © Karl Kerschl

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  5. I had the honour of being part of a Streetfighter collaboration with some of my fellow Udon noodles. It was a story split into 5 parts and drawn by 5 artists. Each streetfighter was shown to start with the upper hand but in each new section lose to the next opponent-showing there's always someone out there that's better. So keep that ego in check kiddies!
    I've included 2pgs, thumbnails and a closeup of my favourite panel.

    Here's a little blurb from the writers (Matt Moylan) website, lilformers with an explanation of the project
    "...Recently UDON was invited to be part of the new Street Fighter Art Comic Anthology (ストリートファイター アート・コミック・アンソロジー), by Japanese publisher Enterbrain(best known as publishers of Japanese video game magazines such as Famitsu and Arcadia). UDON did a 20 page story in the book which also contains new material from SF manga artists Masahiko Nakahira, Masomi Kanzaki, Mami Itou, and others...each chapter of the 20 page story is by a different UDON artist - Chamba, Long Vo, Joe Vriens, Omar Dogan, and Joe Ng (with inks/colours on the Ng part by Crystal Reid/Espen Grundetjern)..."

    My four pages featured C.VIper of Streetfighter 4 squared off against Guile in an explosive battle

    In typical Joe Vriens fashion-I tried to bust out a new style while on the job-a common mistake I've been repeating as of late...why? probably that silly artistic ego combined with trying to push myself on every project that comes my way.

    The negative: I put a lot of pressure and stress on myself considering there's a deadline and I'm basically making up the style as I go-evolving with each page-forcing me to revisit a previous page and updating the look to match newer ones...

    The positive: by going the extra mile on each drawing I learn at a much faster rate. It seems that pressure can be an asset in some circumstances-in spite of how much I hate it.

    One day I shall perfect my process...and end my pain...one day...
    until then enjoy the suffering I inflict upon myself...

    joverine outs

    Streetfighter © Capcom

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  6. just a little teaser of something I've been workin' on as warmup sauce

    let me know if you likey
    or if I should bail on it

    updated with full reveal of the work in progress-so it technically is still a teaser :P

    joverine outs!

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  7. Hey gang

    posting a drawing I did back in o8
    it consists of 2 of my own characters
    both big hulkin fightin' dudes
    of course
    guy in the air is a battle berzerker bounty hunuter
    named Balto(named before Disney made a cute dog movie...sigh)

    and the unsuspecting beastie underneath him is Ogar(of previous posts)
    When I have time I will develop these monkeys fully
    until then they are a source of stress relief and
    creative refuge

    joverine outs

    Battle Berzerker Balto & Ogar © Joe Vriens

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  8. Here's 3 more Target Exclusive Streetfighter comic pages! Classics vs new with Guile vs Abel and of course Akuma vs Gouken. I think I need to play some SF4 now-it's been awhile.

    joverine outs!

    pencils/inks: Joe Vriens aka me
    colours: Espen Grundetjern (Udon)
    story: Matt Moylan (Udon)

    Streetfighter © Capcom

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  9. lots of people like to get together and whine about their problems...aka share their sorrow...but I choose the opposite, so I shall share my joy
    was spotlighted over at Destructiod last friday! woohooo!
    high five peep-oh!

    ps Happy Mothers Day moms of earth!

    joverine outs

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  10. yay more Capcom art gigs!

    As the title suggests, these are pages from a Streetfighter comic that you could only get if you bought Streetfighter 4 at Target in the USA. It's a small comic the size of the instruction manual I believe(I don't have a copy myself...yet) I wish these were available in Canada too! It's a fun little comic and every page is full on action.

    pencils/inks: Joe Vriens aka me
    colours: Espen Grundetjern (Udon)
    story: Matt Moylan (Udon)

    Streetfighter © Capcom

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