amazing dvd by and amazing artist
I definitely wanna check this out!
IGN Video: Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Xbox 360 Trailer - Episode 1
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New Marvel vs Capcom2 trailer with some of my promo art X)
Ryu © Capcom
Wolverine © Marvel0Add a comment
The Darkstalkers Tribute Hardcover Limited Edition will debut next week at Anime Expo!! Be the first 100 person to get it there!
OR order it online!!!:
hey everyone
I got the green light to show our Darkstalkers Tribute pics online since the book will be available at the Anime Expo next week! I am so lookin' forward to all the epic Darkstalkers tributes from the Capcom fans around the world. This book should be phenomenal!!!
I'm on the fence about getting prints ready for San Diego Comic Con...what do you think?
Darkstalkers & Bishamon © Capcom8View comments
Apparently I'm one of those lucky guys that has a really large group of really REALLY good friends. The kind of friends that have your back when you're in trouble and also kick your ass back in gear if you're causing trouble. We've been through many ups and downs throughout the years sharing many many laughs over equally as many beers. Of course we've been through some tough times as well, but with a good circle of friends any obstacle can be overcome.
As if that wasn't enough most of them are also amazing artists working on all kinds of projects-from videogames to animation, movies and toys, backgrounds to characters and even special effects, tattoos and graphic design. The more I think of it the more I realise how awesome my life really is.(I'm making a point of this not to brag-but because I often catch myself sulking about trivial things instead of 'smelling the roses')
To give you just one small example of many I thought I'd post this amazing sculpt a very good buddy of mine Mike Roberts. His work is always professional and his resume is impressive!(short bio below) He made this sweet sculpt years ago just 'cause he wanted to-how cool is that?! It's a sculpt of my personal character Balto which some of you may already be familiar. When I saw this thing in the 'flesh' I was blown away-not only because of how badass it looks but because it was a selfless gift from one of my many close friends.
I hope you guys dig it-and stay tuned for a possible follow up to this amazing sculpt-years have passed and Mikey is stronger than ever-man...I can't even take it-it's gonna kick all kinds of ass!
thanks Mike!
Mike Roberts website
a little about Mike:
Animator and illustrator - Mike's work has included title sequences for TV's "Radio Free Roscoe," "Little Mosque on the Prairie," and Films like Ron Mann's "Tales of the Rat Fink," and "Know Your Mushrooms,"6View comments
Apparently it's joverine day because I was notified of 2 big public showings of my work. I saw on twitter that ImagineFX announced their new issue which includes a One Hour Monster feature (double page spread) and video of it on the bundled DVD! The spread shows a tutorial on the one hour monster techniques I use and the video shows the same monster being created in photoshop. Here's the page with the other features of this issue.
The 2nd announcement is more just me geeking out. Udon's facebook reveals that Capcom made a large poster featuring my Marvel vs Capcom 2 artwork promoting the game!! I love E3 (I've been to the show 2ce) and I love imagine the look on my face to see that! I see that E3 has returned to it's big over the top flashy show after a bit of a shuffle in recent years-awesome!
Things like this make me smile inside and out. It's funny because I recently twittered...tweeted? asking for motivation-half jokes half for real-and this shows up a couple days later-awesome! Maybe that law of attraction stuff works after all? :P
Anyways I thought I'd share some more joy and hopefully you guys n gals don't take it as bragging or anything and instead possibly use it as your own source of motivation? There's just something about seeing your hard work in print and shown off to the world that can kick your butt back in gear!
ImagineFX link
Capcom blog
Udon(jim zubs) Facebook link
Marvel Vs Capcom 2 wins IGN's E3 Best Fighting Game on the 360!
thanks as always
One Hour Monster © Joe Vriens6View comments
A study I did of one of the many monsters in the world of Balto-a personal project of mine that serves as a creative outlet when I feel the need.
I drew this awhile ago-possibly late o8 actually. I never really finished it but I thought I'd share it anyways. I'm not really sure what he is...a dragon centaur beastie?
I quickly sketched in some townsfold/barbarians to give a hint of this guardians role. I like to do this once in awhile to give a bigger sense of who the characters are and how they'd react to a random situation-not much going on here of course but I think you get the is that a pun?
joverine outs!
Balto and characters © Joe Vriens10View comments
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