1. coloured up the skull demon tentacle whatever guy.
    hope you like!
    and here's the uber sped up video of it all happening...
    you can see it larger on my youtube page also :)

    artwork ©JoeVriens

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  2. The title is pretty self explanatory. I am looking for feedback regarding the lulu.com service. As some of you already know I am working on several projects including a sketchbook, artbook, ebook, sculpt/vinyl, dvd and possible tshirts (hahaha wow).

    I found lulu awhile back and am curious if it is a recommended way to make your own books?
    Have any of you or friends of yours gone through the process?
    Is there any upfront costs? how is the distribution?
    the process? headaches?

    Any and all feedback is welcome! oh and here's a pic for your click X)

    thanks in advance

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  3. here's a little WIP action

    I am toying with the idea of makin an full length(real time) dvd of this one(including the colour process when I do it) and explain in detail my techniques, thought process and so on...What do you peeps think? Also if you have any art questions etc please feel free to ask in the comments X)

    here's a condensed sped up video

    Hope it was some tastysauce

    skully tentacle head ©Joe Vriens

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  4. This aint no Metal Gear Solid.

    I was having a rough night-feeling a little lost and agitated. I think the 'life storms' I've been through for the past year were trying to bring me down tonight but I didn't let it happen-instead I turned it into fuel for a drawing jam-that turned into a bit of a painting featuring a fictional dinosaur trying to fetch a meal.

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  5. lil' warmup-stuck with the sharkweek theme once again
    started out as some random monster face that sorta looked like a hammerhead so I ran with it :P

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  6. sharks are cool
    and it's shark week
    so I painted up a shark for a warmup

    about 20min start to finish-with photoref-I pretty much copied the photo haha :P

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  7. the last 2 videos of the promos for Marvel vs Capcom2
    I'll add the comic pages and the wallpapers if Capcom releases them :)

    Episode 5:

    Episode 6:

    plus this awesome news! MvC2 is kickin butt-more info at Capcom's blog

    M.Bison © Capcom
    Strider © Moto Kikaku
    Magneto & Spiderman © Marvel
    videos grabbed from IGN

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