1. Finished colours
    colours: Espen Grundetjern

    Inked page
    Inker:Crystal Reid

    Pencilled page
    Penciller: Joe Vriens X)

    Rough Layout
    layouts: Joverine =P

    The Darkstalkers team was interviewed over at CBR which features some insights to the upcoming book. For those that don't like to read there's also pictures! aka sneak peak inside the pages of Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors and even some awesome covers! pass it on!

    I have included an inside look of a single page from the book. They are in reverse order starting with Colours. I think it's all pretty self explanatory so I won't go into details about the process. If you have any questions write them in the comments and I'll be sure to answer!


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  2. Whoops!
    I'm a naughty blogger!

    I neglected to post here that I'm penciling the upcoming Darkstalkers comic with my good friend Eric Vedder. I'm sorry blog followers!! please accept my apologies! I've included some Talbain lovin' to help you get over the terrible injustice inflicted upon you by my slackatrons. X)

    Here's some deets:
    an all-new 3 issue miniseries titled Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (CAPCOM)
    Digital inks by Crystal Reid
    Colours by Espen Grundetjern
    and story by Ken Siu-Chong(original DS writer returns)
    Every issue will include a variant cover by Emily Warren
    and a 3 part connecting cover by 'the' Alvin Lee!
    and of course the book is being published by the tastiest noodles in the industry-UDON!

    joverine outs!

    Talbain and Darkstalkers ©CAPCOM

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  3. Fantasmagoria is Ramses Melendez's animated film soon to be released in short film festivals in EUA, Spain, Argentina, Mexico and Canada in 2010. There will be an a special edition dvd which will include an art book featuring some awesome artists including the amazing Kekai (have a look through his blog if you're in need of some inspiration!

    thnx for stoppin' by!

    Fantasmagoria ©Ramses Melendez

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  4. As promised here's the vampire portraits for Animal Planet's Creaturefy site! These had some texture overlays applied that weren't actually used in the final design but I thought they looked better for posting.

    I did the rough greyscale image first, colour after the greys were approved and the line version after that. This may seem backwards to most but I feel more comfortable painting form rather then drawing it. I like to cover more ground with a large brush and see some type of silhouette I guess. The tones allow me to see where to place the lines which makes this process work for me.

    I'll post the owlman bigfoot and lizard man soon!


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