1. I decided to try out *kizer's "Blank Face" as a warmup before working on some Darkstalkers pages. The premise is simply to draw how you feel within the template provided (the simple line drawing shown)
    There are a number of these faces which can be found on his Deviantart site.  I've included some WIP shots for those interested in my whacky process :P


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  2. haha my jofolio!

    well I was playing around in iPhoto-and within a few minutes slapped together a sloppy virtual artbook.
    just thought I'd share it with those that are interested :P
    I'm not sure I can actually make a book with so much licensed works though--anybody know the ins and outs of that? cheeks I'm lookin' at you man! haha

    note-I just grabbed a few things to throw in this test-(so there isn't much flow through the pages yet)
    and to be honest I do not have enough work to fill up a full colour book at this moment in time...
    if I were to make a book is there anything I've done that you feel HAS to be in it?
    thnx in advance for any feedback!

    iPhoto is a really easy to use program wow!...but you are limited with options for book layouts(as far as I can tell after one session :P ) I'm not using the latest version...


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