1. A quick post here!
    I just wanted to share a commission I did
    for 'Clever Blue'
    I did in exchange for some luggage!  
    I'm liking this new concept!
    Trading art for stuff I need! haha..wait that's called bartering isn't it?...hmmm
    I wonder what I would have to draw to get myself a brand new VW GTI?
    hmmm hahaha

    This fox character was designed on the fly while
    It's on comic board and drawn with Carmine Red Col Erase pencils.
    ps. 'Clever Blue' has even started painting it already!  Pretty awesome :)
    If you wanna check it out head over to her blog here!


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  2. On the same day as Preview Night at San Diego Comic Con 
    in the spirit of any Streetfighter game
    Udon offers a killer combo!
    This one isn't done using your Playstation 3 controller though.
    This one is found at your local comic shop!
    Darkstalkers #3 and Ibuki #3 are out today!
    Variant cover by Emily Warren!(above)
    pencils above by Eric Vedder(above)
    pencils above by Joverine(above)
    cover A by 'the' Alvin Lee!
    In Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors #3, it's the frightening conclusion to the 'Night Warriors' saga as Demitri, Morrigan, Donovan, and Pyron all collide in a final contest of power! The fates of both the planet Earth and the demon dimension of Makai hang in the balance… but will either realm survive the fury that the Darkstalkers unleash!? Written by Ken Siu-Chong, with art by Eric Vedder and Joe Vriens. Variant cover by Emily Warren!
    Variant cover by Adam Warren(above)
    art by Omar Dogan(above)
    art by Omar Dogan(above)
    art by Omar Dogan(above)

    In Street Fighter Legends: Ibuki #3, Ibuki faces her final ninja test - to do battle with the mystical hermit Oro! Does she stand a chance against one of the greatest martial artists of all time? Probably not... but Makoto and Elena will be there to cheer her on anyways! It's all out ninja school girl action by writerJim Zubkavich and artist Omar Dogan. Variant cover by Adam Warren!

    If your local shops don't carry these titles
    you can either ask them kindly
    get them through Amazon...hint*
    if you click the links above they all take you to Amazon
    *bonus if you order through those links you give your humble servant
    a few pennies without inflating cost to you! woot! haha
    Hey I just ate a bread sanwich...help a brother out ;)


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  3. Not only do I get selected to be in the book,
    but they also use my MummRa portrait for the promo video!!!
    You can check it out here at the Rage Publishing website

    Below is a cut & paste from their site:
    With the success of the first book, Art Squared – digital painters 2 is the second in the series of books produced by the team at ArtSquared.co.uk. Throughout this edition you can enjoy a selection of more than 70 of the worlds best digital artists, showcasing more than 130 images, spread over 172 diverse pages of artwork.

    I can't wait to get my hands on a copy and geek out haha!

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  4. My iPad/iPhone app is out!
    I am geeking out about this!
    Bobby Chiu of Imaginism Studios invited me to 
    make my own artist sketchbooks app!!!
    You can download it through the iTunes store(search Joe Vriens)
    or follow through this link 
    There's a tonne of awesome artist sketchbooks on this site
    and I'm honoured to share some virtual shelf space 
    with all this talent!
    This app is compatible with iPhone and iPad
    and is iOS4 tested!

    Please pass this around as I don't have  marketing budget
    and I could use all the help I can get lol.


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  5. Pencils in red and blue col erase

    Colours done in Photoshop with Cintiq

    Here is my contribution to the Art of Capcom2 book that should be premiering
    at the San Diego Comic Con next week!!!

    I drew dozens of sketches out trying many different ideas.
    here's a few that were to be part of scrapped ideas:
    I was going to use a single page Akuma initially(above)
    The idea of capcom on Halloween was another scrapped idea :P
    above is another colour attempt-I was really trying to preserve the pencils
    wanted a raw look that I think suited the intensity of the subject matter ;)
    I like how the ibuki was turning out here...
    This older post was also intended for this book--link here 
    For more information on the book you should head over 
    to Udon's Deviantart site
    You can just buy your own over on Amazon through this link!

    characters ©CAPCOM

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  6. I can finally talk about Udon's newest book!
    It goes on sale at the San Diego Comic Con!!!
    This thing has been in talks
    then 'in the works' for what feels like ages!
    Probably because I'm so freakin' excited about it.
    Basically, it's an anthology similar to Flight
    or Apple (the artbooks, not the Mac/iPhone stuff)
    or any other collective of awesome you can think of.
    There are stories, pinups, personal galleries
    and a juicy tutuorial section by 
    all your favourite Udon noodles.
    Yours truly submitted a pinup, sketchbook gallery and
    a lengthy tutorial explaining(aka rambling) about
    how I create my artsauce.
    I highly recommend VENT to everyone and anyone.
    Please help spread the word!!!
    If it's popular enough I bet Udon
    will make more volumes!!!

    Here's the awesome cover by Arnold Tsang

    and a sneak peak at my tutorial too ;)

    Featured artists include:
    Attila Adorjany Jay Axer,  Greg Boychuk,  Christine Choi Jeffrey Cruz,  Steven Cummings,  Omar Dogan,  Dax Gordine,  Andrew Hou,  Eric Kim,  Alvin Lee,  Leo Lingas,  Matt Moylan,  Joe Ng,  Ryan Odagawa,  Saejin Oh,  Gonzalo Ordonez Crystal Reid,  Arnold Tsang,  Eric Vedder,  Long Vo, Emily Warren,  Jim Zubkavich 
    and yours truly ;) 

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