1. monster design I did about 2yrs ago
    I'm pretty sure it's safe to post it now
    I figure it fits the Halloween month of October :)



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  2. and my pinup gets promoted to a cover!!!
    see the full article here
    As stated in my previous post, I did this image
    for Skullkickers creator and fellow Udon'oodle Jim Zubkavich.
    I originally intended to do this free as a 'thank you'for the many years of supportand friendship.  
    My karma bank seems to be balanced in my favour
    because now that it's been promoted to cover I'll actually be paid for it!
    To be honest I feel I've already been paid-the feeling of giving selflessly makes my soul smile.
    I highly recommend everyone check out this comic-I was instantly drawn to it(no pun intended-srsly!)
    It's a fun romp through some fantastical places along side some gnarly characters!

    Skullkickers ©Jim Zubkavich

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  3. below is a sneak peak at the greyscale water color
    before I scanned it into Photoshop

    Fellow UDON-oodle Jim Zub has a brand new action packed comic full of monsters, werewolves, mutant slugs bounty hunting and more!

    Here's a pinup I created for him using red col erase pencil to lightly sketch it out, a Pentel brush pen to ink it, Pentel water colors for the greyscale and Photoshop CS4 with my Cintiq for the colours and extra touchups.  This was all sketched, inked, grey scaled in a Robert Bateman sketchbook.

    Jim asked me if I was interested in doing a pinup for Skullkickers. He sent me some preview issues to read through for reference and inspiration. This comic is so up my alley and so fun I started working on it the very same night.  I'm a sucker for sarcastic fantasy action heroes slaying gnarley fang toothed baddies I guess!

    This was extra enjoyable as I haven't used watercolours in over a decade!

    Skullkicers ©Jim Zub

    here's a link to the Skullkickers site! go bookmark it now!!!

    Buy the comics through Amazon
    I've even provided the links below :]


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