the contest was to draw a sexy girl in fairy tale theme.
My idea was to do 3 Teddy's as a play on words instead of Bears...
not sure if I was successful at all but it was fun!
I didn't make the upload deadline(missed by mere seconds thanks to slow computer and last minute idea)

This was a fun exercise as I rarely draw girls as it's a huge weakness for me.
I'm surprised I'm posting it! gah!
I drew 3 small thumbnails, scanned into photoshop so that I could blow it up-
then put a piece of watercolour paper directly on the cintiq and lightly traced the image.
I then tightened the drawings up with carmine red col erase pencils
and inked them with my Pentel brush pen.
I LOVE the brush pen on water colour paper-first time trying it and I highly recommend it!
I will DEFINITELY explore this further!
Here's some (affiliate)links for the tools I used:
the col erase
the Pentel brush pen
the water colour paper is Aquarell cold press 140lb/300G Grain Fin :P
the cintiq 20wsx
Critiques are MORE than welcome to anyone that has a firm grasp on the art of women! I need all the help I can get
maybe I should try one of these out? :/
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