1. Inktober art dump

    I love inktober!
    To sum it up for those that don't know, it's an artistic challenge held every October started by Jake Parker. Basically you just post an inked drawing and include the #inktober hashtag.
    I started with a halloween theme and migrated over into other random stuff including some  character designs and sometimes resorted to posting some old content.

    Tools used:
    Pentel brush pen
    Bic Round Stic M (ballpoint pen)
    Sketchbook: Robert Bateman cover series 110lb white paper
    Copic Markers for the coloured ones(and one silver Sharpie on the Frankie outline)
    I am looking forward to next year!

    ps livestream every Monday night at 8PM EST at www.livestream.com/jogeetv 

    Ken/Streetfighter ©CAPCOM
    Battle Berzerker Balto ©Joe Vriens
    all other artwork ©Joe Vriens

    links provided are amazon affiliate links ;)
    this means:

    Same price to you and you support this humble sketchin dude!

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  2. For those that don't know, I have another livestream account(several apparently... oops)
    The weekly show I with cohost Dax "D-Gee" Gordine is called JoGeeTV 
    and the link is up there at the top of this blog under the header.
    **video was deleted-
    new.livestream deletes them after a month unless you pay monies
    so...its gone, but I'm sure I'll post more eventually here:

    The other one I have is a spontaneous solo livestream that I use mainly 
    to stream my traditional stuff. For now that means pencil/ink. 
    I had the audio off for 90% of the video so I could focus on inking. 

    Here's the link to the joverine livestream.
    It is a different link from the embedded video in this post because I f'd up
     and signed into my old abandoned livestream test account 
    when I made that video... so if you're going to follow one
    I recommend following the one in this paragraph, not the one from the embedded video.
    Sorry for the confusion.

    I apologize for the shaky cam as I'm holding the iPhone(to record) in my other hand.

    One day I'll get a proper tripod thingy...hopefully...or one will magically show up at my door...until then the cam will be a shakin'

    Be sure to click that follow button to be notified of my random streams.
    I think you have to sign in to even see the video so 
    you're halfway there at that point.
    (you can sign in using facebook)


    *some swearsies when the audio turns on at the end...
    links are affiliate links-these no extra cost to you
    and serve to help support this artist!
    If you prefer non-affiliate links hop on your fav search engine :)


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  3. First off, I hope my blog doesn't become an ebay pimp shop
    where I stop in and yell "new item for sale!" every other week...
    but papa's got some serious bills to pay. Banks don't seem to follow
    the freelance lifestyle of delayed payments and eating powdered food for weeks at a time...
    sooo please be patient with yours truly.
    the next item up on ebay is a 
    It's on Udon Ent. official comic(headshetch) boards
    which measure 8.5x11
    It's really white and very nice to draw on :)
    Here's a pic for size reference:
    and a nice close up for your viewing pleasure.

    Ps. This drawing comes with a free surprise full size print($20 value)!!!
    Thanks for looking!
    pass it on?

    joverine outs!
    snakt snakt!

    Wolverine ©Marvel

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  4. I've decided to dust off the ol' ebay account and start selling some of my original artwork.
    Below is a better view of the image for sale.

    inked it with my trusty Pentel Pocket Brush
    and coloured it up with some Copic Markers
    on 11x17 Udon comic board.
    Bidding starts at $50usd and there's 6days to bid!
    so go get!


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  5. From Udon's official solicitation info:
    Street Fighter returns to comics in an all-new, original, hardcover graphic novel series! Fan favorites like Ryu, Sakura, Ken, and Guile are joined by newcomers Alex, Juri, Dudley, Hakan, and more for all-out excitement and pulse-pounding battles! Super Street Fighter Volume 1: New Generation starts the World Warriors on the path to their greatest challenges yet – don't dare miss it!

    The unquestioned king of fighting games, the Street Fighter video game series has sold over 33 million units. 2012 is the 25th Anniversary of Street Fighter, which Capcom is celebrating all year long through exclusive merchandise, contests, and more. This new collection features the fan-demanded cast of Street Fighter III and new characters from Street Fighter IV, along with classic Street Fighter favorites.
    Here's some pics for clicks :)

    Affiliate link used in this post
    For those that prefere non-affiliate links for whatever reason click here: www.google.com ;)


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