First off, I hope my blog doesn't become an ebay pimp shop
where I stop in and yell "new item for sale!" every other week...
but papa's got some serious bills to pay. Banks don't seem to follow
the freelance lifestyle of delayed payments and eating powdered food for weeks at a time...
sooo please be patient with yours truly.
the next item up on ebay is a
It's on Udon Ent. official comic(headshetch) boards
which measure 8.5x11
It's really white and very nice to draw on :)
Here's a pic for size reference:
and a nice close up for your viewing pleasure.
Ps. This drawing comes with a free surprise full size print($20 value)!!!
Thanks for looking!
pass it on?
joverine outs!
snakt snakt!
Wolverine ©Marvel
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