1. Here's a nice large scan for your viewing pleasure.

    Fresh new listing on eBay eBaby! 
    Symbiote Deadpool is up!

    So get your bid in before July 26th!
    Thanks for lookin'

    and the link once again

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  2. *UPDATE*
    Now on YouTube :)
    The Berzerker heads to his destination which lies beyond the Dark Forest of Illusion.

    If you would like to watch the real time video of this drawing from blank paper to pencil to inks click here
    When you get there and you like the video please click the like button. I will be using this as feedback(views vs likes) to gauge which videos people want to see more of.(you could also leave a comment with feedback if you like)
    Also-if you want to be notified when I go live click follow.
    It should be noted that I don't have a set livestream schedule-I do this when I get some free time in between client work, so this is the best way to see it live.


    Tools used:
    Carmine Red ColErase pencil
    Pentel Pocket Brush
    Zebra fine point

    and Imagination ;)

    *Battle Berzerker Balto©Joe Vriens
    *links to Amazon are affiliate links, feel free to Google the tools on your own

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